Message from our director Mary Arro

Wishing you all the happiest Easter you possibly can have during this challenging time, whether you are with your family, friends or alone; whether you are in your country or abroad. We have to take comfort in the small things and be grateful for everything we have.
Let’s concentrate on the positive things that are happening to our mother earth and not on what we are missing or not getting. During this time we have changed our lifestyles, by becoming full time parents, juggling video calls and managing our properties while preparing our guests, landlords, sellers and buyers. Hearing our clients who are away from home, some stuck without being able to fly back, some who just arrived, some who thought they had a deal and now don’t. While the pots in our kitchen get hot, and the shopping gets disinfected and put away in the fridge, we have become full time wifes again, house keepers, masters, like in the old times, checking on the kids while they do their best to continue their school lessons as if it was the normal thing to do, while our mobiles ring, we cope, we plan, we clean while connecting, informing and cuddling.
And while you may think this is only difficult for us parents, it is scary for our younger staff, who are always eager to look for opportunities, enthusiastic, full of ideas, taking risks and learning so much from us, ensuring that we the experienced ones, go on and lead the way.
But above all, please spare a thought for those heroes, who alone are saving lifes, for those keeping us safe and fed; for those flying us home, for those who whilst trying to help got sick, for those who keep teaching, for all of those who lost a loved one, for all of those who manage to make this community able to stay home and safe.
If you can, turn off your TV, mobile, computer and enjoy this one in a lifetime Sunday Easter! And pray that it will be over soon.